How To Introduce Your Baby's First Food (2024)

By the time your baby is 4 to 6 months old, you can begin feeding them solids, which lets them explore the tastes and textures of different foods.

That said, solid foods are not meant to replace breast milk or formula as a nutrition source during this stage. Rather, solids should be introduced after your baby has gotten their fill from formula or breast milk.

Here's everything you need to know about your baby's first food, how to introduce solid foods, and which solid foods are recommended by age.

How To Introduce Your Baby's First Food (1)

When To Start Your Baby on Solid Food

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says you can start your child on solids between 4 and 6 months, but the answer really depends on your baby. Some babies may be perfectly content waiting longer, while others may be ready to start noshing sooner. The best way to know if your baby is ready is by looking for signs of eating readiness.

Here are some signs that your little one may be ready for solids:

  • They can sit upright and hold up their head.
  • They are curious, looking at everything around them—especially what you're eating!
  • They follow your fork with their heads and may open their mouths to try to take a bite.
  • They lost the tongue thrust reflex that automatically pushes food out of their mouth.
  • They still seem hungry after getting a full day's portion of milk (eight to 10 breastfeeding sessions or about 32 ounces of formula).

If your baby does not seem ready to eat yet, that's OK. Remember that there's no need to rush this milestone. In fact, it's typically better to wait than to start early (experts say that you shouldn't start solids before 4 months). Most babies are ready to start solids between 5 and 6 months.

When Can My Baby Eat Solid Food?

How To Introduce Your Baby to Solid Food

The AAP recommends exclusive breastfeeding for six months, as well as supplemental breastfeeding until your infant turns 1 year old. (Formula is also a great option for parents who can't or don't want to breastfeed.) Introducing solids is more about getting your baby used to chewing and swallowing food than providing any significant nutritional benefit.

When you're ready to introduce solids, think of solid foods as a "bonus," since the bulk of their calories and nutrients will still be coming from breast milk or formula. Give your baby the breast or bottle first thing in the morning, before or after meals, and before bedtime.

In the beginning, you'll have to experiment to find what works best for your baby. If they're a big drinker, feed them first with food and then with a bottle. If they're a moderate drinker, try the opposite.

Amount of Daily Human Milk or Formula

Here is a sample "menu" to help you determine an approximate amount of human milk or formula your baby should be drinking daily. The exact amount will vary for each child.

  • Up to 9 months, feed your baby 20 to 28 ounces of formula daily or human milk every 3 to 4 hours.
  • From 9 to 12 months, feed them 16 to 24 ounces of formula daily or human milk every 4 to 5 hours.

It's important to note that recommended numbers are a general guideline. Caregivers should practice responsive feeding and listen to an infant's cue for hunger and fullness to determine how much to feed them. Additionally, keeping your baby's recommended well-visit checkups will help your provider track if your baby is gaining weight appropriately. The AAP says responsive feeding can also help kids go on to develop healthy eating habits.

As soon as your little one understands the concept of eating and shows interest in mealtime (this usually happens between 6 and 9 months), start them on a routine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If eating together as a family is important to you, have your baby join you at the table.

18 Foods Your Baby Should Try When Introducing Solids

Feeding Schedule for Baby's First Food

  • At 4 to 6 months, feed your baby two meals, each approximately 2 to 4 tablespoons.
  • At 7 to 12 months, feed them three meals, each approximately the size of your baby's fist.

Even if they aren't hungry at times, they'll get used to the idea of eating on a schedule. (That said, never force or pressure your baby to eat; if they aren't interested, just take them out of the high chair and move on.)

As your baby adjusts to eating solids, know that there may be days when they're more interested in peas and carrots than in the breast or bottle and, on the flip side, there may be days when all they'll want to do is nurse. This is all normal as your baby begins to grow more independent, but for now, they still need their normal day's worth of human milk or formula.

Introducing Solid Food to Baby

  • Try a few spoons of solids after breastfeeding so that your baby does not fill up on solids and not drink enough breast milk. At first, your baby may refuse solids or have trouble eating the new foods. It's OK, keep trying.
  • Be patient; your child will get it eventually. If they are not interested in solids, continue breastfeeding like normal and try the solids again in a few weeks.
  • Add your breast milk to baby cereal. Make it on the thinner side at first (about the consistency of buttermilk) so it's easier for your baby to eat. The AAP cautions against putting infant cereal in your baby's bottle because they could choke on it.
  • Offer foods one at a time and wait a few days between starting new foods so you can tell if your child has a reaction to a new food.
  • Wait to offer finger foodssuch as dry cereal, crackers, cut-up cooked vegetables, and soft fruits until about 8 months of age. Avoid foods your baby can choke on such as raisins, nuts, whole grapes, hot dogs, and popcorn.

Baby’s First Foods by Age

Gone are the days when bland rice cereal was the norm. Today, there are no hard and fast rules for a baby's first foods. It's more important to offer a variety of fruits, vegetables, and meats in any order to get your baby used to different tastes. And if you're wondering, the idea that introducing fruits first means your baby will only want sweets is a myth, so feel free to experiment with all the fruits you want.

Stumped on what solids to start with? Here are some suggestions.

4 to 6 months: Single-grain cereals

The level of iron that's stored in utero drops after birth, and a baby reaches an all-time low at around 9 months. That's why cereals fortified with iron are an ideal early food. Combine 1 teaspoon of single-grain cereal with 4 to 5 teaspoons of breast milk or formula.

At first, most of the cereal will end up on your baby's chin. "The point is to get your baby used to a different type of eating," says W. Allan Walker, MD, director of the Division of Nutrition at Harvard Medical School, in Boston. "Although it's sloppy and frustrating, you need to go through this process."

Don't force your baby to continue eating if they shake their head no, turn away, or refuse to open up after only one mouthful. And if they seem completely uninterested in trying cereal, wait a week or so and try again. Once your baby is used to swallowing runny cereal, thicken it by using less water or human milk and more cereal.

4 to 8 months: Pureed veggies, fruits, and meats

You may have heard that eating fruits before vegetables can cause a lifelong preference for sweet foods, but there's no research to back that up. So it's up to you to determine whether you begin with bananas or carrots—or pureed chicken for that matter.

The AAP also believes that introducing allergenic foods early can reduce the risk of developing a food allergy, especially if your child is at risk. If you have a strong family history of food allergies, talk to your baby's health care provider about the best ways to introduce common allergens, including eggs, dairy, and peanuts.

This is especially true for babies with severe eczema, a skin condition that is linked to food allergies. For example, the AAP recommends babies with severe eczema get introduced to peanut products between 4 and 6 months. But it advises parents talk with their child's health care provider.

6 to 8 months: Single-ingredient finger foods

Whether you've begun with purees or are starting solids with finger foods, many babies enjoy experimenting with self-feeding from an early age. Don't offer any hard, raw foods (such as apple slices or carrot sticks) at this point. Make sure fruits and veggies are soft enough to mash with gentle pressure between your thumb and forefinger. Some good examples are cooked peas, small pieces of banana or avocado, or rice puffs.

The shape matters too. Younger babies will be picking foods up with their whole palms, so a mound of mashed potatoes or a wedge of avocado will be easier to handle than smaller foods. Don't put salt or sugar in their food—it's best if your baby learns to like it without the added sodium or sweetener.

The Best Finger Foods for Baby

9 to 12 months: Chopped, ground, or mashed foods

As soon as your child is able, transition them away from smooth purees. Incorporate more finger foods with textures like yogurt, cottage cheese, bananas, and mashed sweet potatoes. They can also use more iron, so try pureed meats like beef, chicken, and turkey.

How to Wean From Breastfeeding at Any Age

Solid Foods That Aren't Safe for Babies

Eating solids opens up a whole new world for your baby, but there are some foods that aren't safe for babies to eat. You should avoid giving infants under the age of 1 the following foods:

  • Honey: It can cause botulism, a serious illness, if introduced too early.
  • Cow's milk (as a drink): Stick with human milk and formula as a primary beverage until your baby is 1 years old. It's fine to use cow's milk in cooking or baking, though. Cheese and yogurt are also OK.
  • Choking hazards: Avoid choking hazards such as nuts, seeds, raisins, hard candy, grapes, hard raw vegetables, popcorn, chunky peanut butter, and hot dogs during your baby's first year.

Tips for Managing Mealtime

Mealtime with young kids—and babies especially—can be challenging. Someone's probably crying, wants to be held, or needs a diaper change right as you're trying to prepare food. And then the actual act of eating? Well, let's just say we never knew one small human could make such a mess.

As you venture into the world of solids together, here are some tips to make meals a little more enjoyable.

Create a routine and feeding schedule

A baby needs focus to eat, so start a routine where you wash their hands, soothe them, and then sit them down to eat. Maintain calmness by turning off the TV and any loud music. "This will help your baby become conscious of eating and learn to recognize when he's full," says Marilyn Tanner, RD, a former spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

You can also establish a routine around eating by creating a feeding schedule. Between 6 and 9 months, your baby will be learning to eat solids and you can offer baby food two to three times a day, gradually increasing the amount they are getting. By the time they're 9 months old, they may be on a more routine feeding schedule. Between 9 and 12 months, you can offer solids three to four times a day.

Sample Schedule

Here is a sample feeding schedule for an older baby (9 months to 1 year). Remember that there is no right or wrong way to feed meals to your baby.

  • 5 a.m. Breastfeed
  • 7 a.m. Breakfast - half a scrambled egg or a couple of ounces of pureed meat, veggies, or fruit
  • 8 a.m. Nap (with or without breastfeeding first, depending on your baby)
  • 10 a.m. Breastfeed
  • Noon Lunch - a couple of ounces of pureed meat, veggies, or fruit
  • 1 p.m. Nap (with or without nursing beforehand)
  • 3 p.m. Breastfeed
  • 5 p.m. Dinner - a couple of ounces of pureed meat, veggies, or fruit
  • 7 p.m. Breastfeed
  • Overnight, your baby may still wake to breastfeed once.

Understand that starting solids takes time

It will take time for your baby to feel comfortable with the new sensations that go along with eating—the feel of a spoon in their mouth and the tastes and textures of different foods. "I reassure parents that you might get grimaces and horrible faces," says Laura Jana, MD, co-author of Food Fights. "My daughter used to shriek when I put a spoonful of food in her mouth. But she wanted more."

Over time, your baby will eat more and more solid food. By the time they are 1 year old, they will beeating a wide variety of foods. Solid food will become your child's main meal by the time about 18 to 24 months old.

Introduce a variety of foods

Most infants enjoy trying new foods, and starting solids is a great time to introduce a variety of items, such as vegetables, fish, and even spicy foods. Offering lots of different flavors and textures early on can help prevent pickiness later.

Prepare for messes

Your baby will likely fling food everywhere, especially if you're practicing baby-led weaning. This is common and doesn't necessarily indicate a dislike. "Getting food into their mouth takes coordination and practice for the baby," Tanner says.

An Age-by-Age Feeding Chart for Newborns and Babies

Introduce water, too

The AAP recommends introducing a small amount of water in an open cup with meals around 6 months of age, which can help develop taste for water and fine motor skills.

Watch out for allergies

If your health care provider has advised it or you have a family history of food allergies, give your child only one new food at a time and wait three or four days before trying another to make pinpointing allergies easier.

Keep an eye out for signs of an allergic reaction or intolerance, like a rash, hives, wheezing, difficulty breathing, vomiting, excessive gas, diarrhea, or blood in their stools. Call your provider if you notice any of these symptoms (they can take minutes or days to appear), and go to the ER if the reaction seems serious.

Food Allergies in Babies

Contrary to past recommendations that advised waiting to introduce allergenic foods until babies are older, new research is showing that the early introduction of high-allergy foods can actually decrease the development of food allergies in high-risk children.

When you begin solids with your baby, offer one food at a time, waiting two to three days between each new introduction to watch for any allergic response such as diarrhea, vomiting, or skin rash. Stop the new food and consult your pediatrician if you see any of these signs.

Changes to Baby Poop After Starting Solids

You may notice changes to the color and consistency of your baby's poop once they start eating solid foods. It is usually thicker, more formed, and may take on the color of the foods that they're eating. Starting solids also increase the chances of constipation. Just keep an eye on your child'sfluid intakeduring this time.

If too many breastfeeding sessions are replacedby solid feedingstoo quickly, your baby may not be getting enough fluid. To relieve constipation, put the baby to the breast more frequently.

What Does Breastfed Baby Poop Look Like?

Baby Food Chart for Starting Solids

And last but not least, take a page from our healthy-from-the-start handbook and take the guesswork out of what foods to introduce and when. Print it out and keep it handy for when it's time to start solids. (And in a pinch, it can totally wipe up that mess that's bound to happen too.)

How To Introduce Your Baby's First Food (2)

How To Introduce Your Baby's First Food (2024)
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