N-400 Citizenship Form: Study Guide and Resources < The Immigrant Learning Center (2024)

Part 12. Additional Information About You (Person Applying for Naturalization)

Answer Item Numbers 1.-21. If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, include a typed or printed explanation on additional sheets of paper.

Answer “Yes” or “No” to each question by checking off the box (N-400 Citizenship Form: Study Guide and Resources < The Immigrant Learning Center (1)) to the left of your answer.


N-400 Citizenship Form: Study Guide and Resources < The Immigrant Learning Center (2) Yes N-400 Citizenship Form: Study Guide and Resources < The Immigrant Learning Center (3) No Your answer is "Yes."
N-400 Citizenship Form: Study Guide and Resources < The Immigrant Learning Center (4) Yes N-400 Citizenship Form: Study Guide and Resources < The Immigrant Learning Center (5) No Your answer is "No."

For any questions you answer “Yes” to, make sure to include an explanation for your answer on another sheet of paper.

1. Have you EVER claimed to be a U.S. citizen (in writing or any other way)? Yes / No

Did you ever say you were a U.S. citizen?

2. Have you EVER registered to vote in any Federal, state, or local election in the United States? Yes / No

Did you ever sign up to vote in the United States?

3. Have you EVER voted in any Federal, state or local election in the United States? Yes / No

Did you ever choose a new leader in a U.S. election?

4.A. Do you now have, or did you EVER have, a hereditary title or an order of nobility in any foreign country? Yes / No

Do you have a title, like a prince or princess?

B. If you answered “Yes,” are you willing to give up any inherited titles or orders of nobility that you have in a foreign country at your naturalization ceremony?

Yes / No

If you answered “Yes” to question 4.A. above, will you give up your title forever when you become a U.S. citizen?

At your naturalization ceremony, you will need to say one of these phrases:

  • "I further renounce the title of [your title(s)] which I have heretofore held."
  • "I further renounce the order of nobility, [your order(s) of nobility], to which I have heretofore belonged."

5. Have you EVER been declared legally incompetent or been confined to a mental institution? Yes / No

Were you ever legally insane?

Were you ever forced to stay in a hospital because of a mental illness?

6. Do you owe any overdue Federal, state or local taxes? Yes / No

Do you owe late taxes?

7.A. Have you EVER not filed a Federal, state or local tax return since you became a lawful permanent resident? Yes / No

You became a lawful permanent resident when you received your green card. After that, have you ever NOT filed a tax return?

  • If you have filed all your tax returns, choose “No”.

    You may be asked to explain. You can say, for example:

    • I work and file taxes every year.
    • My husband and I file taxes together.
  • If you have not filed a tax return every year, choose “Yes”.

    You may be asked to explain why you didn't file and how you supported yourself. You can say, for example:

    • I am retired. My children support me.
    • I don’t work. My husband supports me.
    • I filed taxes the last two years. Before that, I didn’t work. My sister supported me.

B. If you answered “Yes,” did you consider yourself to be a “non-U.S. resident”?

Yes / No

If you answered “Yes” to question 7.A. above, you must explain. On another piece of paper, write the answers to these questions.

During the year you were a non-resident:

  1. Where did you live during that year?
  2. How long did you live there?
  3. Why did you live there?

8. Have you called yourself a “non-U.S. resident” on a Federal, state or local tax return since you became a lawful permanent resident? Yes / No

On a tax form, have you ever said you did not live in the United States?

9.A. Have you EVER been a member of, involved in, or in any way associated with, any organization, association, fund, foundation, party, club or similar group in the United States or in any other location in the world? Yes / No

Are you a member of an organized group of people?

Were you ever a member of any organized group of people? For example:

  • Member of a political party
  • Member of your child’s Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
  • Labor union member
  • Rotary club member

B. If you answered “Yes,” provide the information below. If you need extra space, attach the names of the other groups on additional sheets of paper and provide evidence to support your answers.

Name of the group Purpose of the group Dates of Membership

If you answered “Yes” to question 9.A. above, fill in this chart.

  • Name of the Group: What was the name of the group that you are or were a member of?
  • Purpose of the Group: What did the group do?
  • Dates of Membership: When did you join the group? Write the date under the From” column, with the month first, day second and year last.

    If you are no longer a member of the group, when did you leave the group? Write the date under the “To” column, with the month first, day second and year last.

If you were a member of more than four groups, you will need to write the names of those groups on a blank sheet of paper and include proof you were in these groups.

10. Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way associated (either directly or indirectly) with:
  1. The Communist Party?
Yes / No

Are you a member of the Communist Party? Were you a member of the Communist Party before?

Did you ever help or give money to the Communist Party?

You may be asked: “What is communism?”
Example answers:

  • No freedom
  • No democracy
  • For example, Cuba or North Korea

  1. Any other totalitarian party?
Yes / No

Are you a member of a totalitarian party? Were you a member of a totalitarian party before?

Did you ever help or give money to a totalitarian party?

You may be asked: “What is totalitarian?”
Example answer:

  • A totalitarian government controls everything people do.

  1. A terrorist organization?
Yes / No

Are you a member of a terrorist organization? Were you a member of a terrorist organization before?

Did you ever help or give money to a terrorist organization?

You may be asked: “What is terrorism?”
Example answer:

  • Terrorists kill many people, like on September 11, 2001.

11. Have you EVER advocated (either directly or indirectly) the overthrow of any government by force or violence? Yes / No

Did you ever tell people to use force to change a government?

12. Have you EVER persecuted (either directly or indirectly) any person because of race, religion, national origin, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion? Yes / No

Did you ever discriminate against people because you didn’t like their race, religion, country of origin, social or political group?

You may be asked: “What does it mean to persecute or discriminate?”
Example answer:

  • Be bad to people because you don’t like their race or religion.
You may be asked: “What is race?”
Example answers:
  • Black people
  • White people
  • Asian people
You may be asked: “What is a social group?”
Example answers:
  • Poor people
  • Rich people
  • Educated people
  • Farmers
You may be asked: “What is a political group?”
Example answers:
  • Democratic
  • Republican
  • Communist
You may be asked: “What is national origin?”
Example answer:
  • The country where you were born

13. Between March 23, 1933 and May 8, 1945, did you work for or associate in any way (either directly or indirectly) with:
  1. The Nazi government of Germany?
Yes / No

Did you help or work for the Nazi government of Germany?

You may be asked: “What is the Nazi government of Germany?”
Example answer:

  • The Nazi government of Germany killed many people because of their religion or political group between 1933 and 1945. They started World War II.

  1. Any government in any area occupied by, allied with, or established with the help of the Nazi government of Germany?
Yes / No

Between March 23, 1933 and May 8, 1945, did you help or work for a government that worked with the Nazi government of Germany?

  1. Any German, Nazi, or S.S. military unit, paramilitary unit, self-defense unit, vigilante unit, citizen unit, police unit, government agency or office, extermination camp, concentration camp, prison, labor camp, or transit camp?
Yes / No

Did you help or work for a German, Nazi, or S.S. military unit, paramilitary unit, self-defense unit, vigilante unit, citizen unit, police unit, government agency or office, extermination camp, concentration camp, prison, labor camp, or transit camp?

14. Were you EVER involved in any way with any of the following:
  1. Genocide?
Yes / No

Did you ever try to kill all the people of the same group?

  1. Torture?
Yes / No

Did you ever make another person feel terrible pain?

  1. Killing, or trying to kill, someone?
Yes / No

Did you ever kill or try to kill someone?

You may be asked: “What does it mean to kill?”
Example answer:

  • Kill means make someone die.

  1. Badly hurting, or trying to hurt, a person on purpose?
Yes / No

Did you ever hurt someone very much because you wanted to?

  1. Forcing, or trying to force, someone to have any kind of sexual contact or relations?
Yes / No

Did you ever force someone to have sex?

  1. Not letting someone practice his or her religion?
Yes / No

Did you ever stop someone from practicing their religion?

15. Were you EVER a member of, or did you EVER serve in, help, or otherwise participate in, any of the following groups:
  1. Military unit?
Yes / No

Did you ever work for the military in any country?

You may be asked: “What is a military?”
Example answer:

  • People who protect the country, like an army.

  1. Paramilitary unit (a group of people who act like a military group but are not part of the official military)?
Yes / No

Did you ever use weapons and act like the military but you were not in the military?

  1. Police unit?
Yes / No

Were you a police officer in any country?

You may be asked: “What are the police?”
Example answer:

  • People who stop crime.

  1. Self-defense unit?
Yes / No

Did you and your neighbors ever come together to protect your community from crime or violence?

  1. Vigilante unit (a group of people who act like the police, but are not part of the official police)?
Yes / No

Did you ever act like the police but you were not the police?

  1. Rebel group?
Yes / No

Did you and other people ever illegally fight against the government?

  1. Guerrilla group (a group of people who use weapons against or otherwise physically attack the military, police, government, or other people)?
Yes / No

Did you and other people ever illegally fight against the government?

  1. Militia (an army of people, not part of the official military)?
Yes / No

Were you ever a member of a group of people who illegally fought with weapons?

  1. Insurgent organization (a group that uses weapons and fights against a government)?
Yes / No

Did you and other people ever illegally fight against the government?

16. Were you EVER a worker, volunteer, or soldier, or did you otherwise EVER serve in any of the following:
  1. Prison or jail?
Yes / No

Were you ever a soldier, worker or helper in a prison or jail?

You may be asked: “What is a jail?”
Example answer:

  • A place for people who are arrested for a crime
You may be asked: “What is a prison?”
Example answer:
  • A place for people who are convicted of a crime

  1. Prison camp?
Yes / No

Were you ever a soldier, worker or helper in a prison for enemy soldiers?

  1. Detention facility (a place where people are forced to stay)?
Yes / No

Were you ever a soldier, worker or helper in a place where people were not free to leave?

  1. Labor camp (a place where people are forced to work)?
Yes / No

Were you ever a soldier, worker or helper in a place where people were forced to work?

  1. Any other place where people are forced to stay?
Yes / No

Were you ever a soldier, worker or helper in any place where people were not free to leave?

17. Were you EVER a part of any group, or did you EVER help any group, unit or organization that used a weapon against any person, or threatened to do so? Yes / No

Were you ever a member of a gang or group of people with weapons, and did these people use weapons to hurt other people or threaten other people?

You may be asked: “What is a gang?”
Example answer:

  • A group of bad people who have weapons and commit crimes
You may be asked: “What does it mean to threaten?”
Example answer:
  • To tell a person you will hurt them if they don’t do what you want

  1. If you answered “Yes,” when you were part of this group, or when you helped this group, did you ever use a weapon against another person?
Yes / No

If you answered “Yes” to question 17, did you hurt someone with a weapon at that time?

  1. If you answered “Yes,” when you were part of this group, or when you helped this group) did you ever tell another person that you would use a weapon against that person?
Yes / No

If you answered “Yes” to question 17, did you tell another person you would hurt them with a weapon?

18. Did you EVER sell, give or provide weapons to any person, or help another person sell, give, or provide weapons to any person? Yes / No

Did you ever sell, give or help someone get weapons?

  1. If you answered “Yes,” did you know that this person was going to use the weapons against another person?
Yes / No

If you answered “Yes” to question 18, did you know this person would hurt someone with the weapons?

  1. If you answered “Yes,” did you know that this person was going to sell or give the weapons to someone who was going to use them against another person?
Yes / No

If you answered “Yes” to question 18, did you know this person would sell or give the weapons to another person who would hurt someone with the weapons?

19. Did you EVER receive any type of military, paramilitary (a group of people who act like a military group but are not part of the official military), or weapons training? Yes / No

Did people ever train you to be a soldier, to do the same thing as a soldier or to use weapons?

You may be asked: “What does it mean to receive training?
Example answer:

  • To learn how to do something
You may be asked: “What is paramilitary?”
Example answer:
  • A group of people who act like a military group but these people are not part of the official military
You may be asked: “What does it mean to act like the military?”
Example answer:
  • To do the same things as the military
You may be asked: “What are weapons?”
Example answers:
  • Guns, bombs, knives, tanks, and other things that kill or destroy
You may be asked: “What does it mean to receive military training?”
Example answer:
  • To learn how to be a soldier
You may be asked: “What does it mean to receive paramilitary training?”
Example answer:
  • To learn how to do the same things as a soldier
You may be asked: “What does it mean to receive weapons training?”
Example answer:
  • To learn how to use guns, bombs, knives, tanks, and other things that kill or destroy

20. Did you EVER recruit (ask), enlist (sign up), conscript (require), or use any person under 15 years of age to serve in or help an armed force or group? Yes / No

Did you ever ask or force a child to join a group of people with weapons?

You may be asked: “What does it mean to recruit a person under 15 years of age to serve in or help an armed force or group?”
Example answer:

  • To ask or tell a child to work for or help people with weapons
You may be asked: “What does it mean to enlist a person under 15 years of age to serve in or help an armed force or group?”
Example answer:
  • To sign up a child to work for or help people with weapons
You may be asked: “What does it mean to conscript a person under 15 years of age to serve in or help an armed force or group?”
Example answer:
  • To force a child to work for or help people with weapons
You may be asked: “What is a group?”
Example answer:
  • Many people together
You may be asked: “What is an armed group?”
Example answer:
  • A group of people with weapons
You may be asked: “What is an armed force?”
Example answer:
  • A group of people who fight with weapons
You may be asked: “What does it mean to serve in an armed force or armed group?”
Example answer:
  • To be part of a group of people who fight with weapons

21. Did you EVER use any person under 15 years of age to do anything that helped or supported people in combat? Yes / No

Did you ever use a child to help people who were fighting?

You may be asked: “What is combat?”
Example answer:

  • Fighting with weapons

If any of Item Numbers 22. - 28. apply to you, you must answer “Yes” even if your records have been sealed, expunged, or otherwise cleared. You must disclose this information even if someone, including a judge, law enforcement officer, or attorney, told you that it no longer constitutes a record or told you that you do not have to disclose the information. 22. Have you EVER committed, assisted in committing, or attempted to commit, a crime or offense for which you were NOT arrested? Yes / No

Did you ever break the law, help someone break the law, or try to break the law but you were not arrested?

23. Have you EVER been arrested, cited, or detained by any law enforcement officer (including immigration official or any official of the U.S. armed forces) for any reason? Yes / No

Did police ever take you to jail or make you pay a fine?

Did immigration police ever take you to a place like a prison?

Did military police or soldiers ever take you to a place like a prison?

24. Have you EVER been charged with committing, attempting to commit, or assisting in committing any crime or offense? Yes / No

Did you ever have to go to court for breaking the law, trying to break the law or helping someone break the law?

25. Have you EVER been convicted of a crime or offense? Yes / No

Did a jury ever say you were guilty of a crime?

26. Have you EVER been placed in an alternative sentencing or rehabilitative program (for example, diversion, deferred prosecution, withheld adjudication, deferred adjudication)? Yes / No

Did a judge ever tell you to participate in a program to make you a better person?

27.A. Have you EVER received a suspended sentence, been placed on probation, or been paroled? Yes / No

Were you ever convicted of a crime and the court supervised you for many months or years?

B. If you answered “Yes,” have you completed the probation or parole?

Yes / No

If you answered “Yes” to question 27.A., did you finish the probation or parole?

28.A. Have you EVER been in jail or prison? Yes / No

Did you go to jail or prison?

B. If you answered “Yes,” how long were you in jail or prison?

Years Months Days

Yes / No

If you answered “Yes” to question 28.A., for how long did you go to jail or prison? Write down the number of years, months and days in the boxes.

29. If you answered “No” to ALL questions in Item Numbers 23. - 28., then skip this item and go to Item Number 30.

If you answered “Yes” to any question in Item Numbers 23. - 28., then complete this table. If you need extra space, use additional sheets of paper and provide any evidence to support your answers.

Why were you arrested, cited, detained, or charged? Date arrested, cited, detained, or charged.
Where were you arrested, cited, detained, or charged?
(City or Town, State, Country)
Outcome or disposition of the arrest, citation, detention, or charge
(no charges filed, charges dismissed, jail, probation, etc.)

If you answered “No” to questions 23. - 28., answer question 30. next.

If you answered “Yes” to any question between questions 23. - 28., fill in this table.

  • Why were you arrested, cited, detained, or charged?: Explain why you were arrested, cited, detained, or charged.
  • Date arrested, cited, detained, or charged: Write the month, day and year of when you were arrested, cited, detained, or charged.
  • Where were you arrested, cited, detained, or charged?: Write the city or town, state and country where you were arrested, cited, detained, or charged.
  • Outcome or disposition of the arrest, citation, detention, or charge: What happened after you were arrested, cited, detained, or charged? For example, were no charges filed? Were the charges dismissed? Did you go to jail? Were you put on probation?

Answer Item Numbers 30. - 46. If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, except Item Numbers 37. and 38., include a typed or printed explanation on additional sheets of paper and provide evidence to support your answers. Answer questions 30. to 44. If any of your answers for questions 30., 31., 32., 33., 34., 35., 36., 39., 40., 41., 42., 43. or 44. are “Yes”, write down an explanation for your answer on another sheet of paper and include evidence for your explanation. 30. Have you EVER:
  1. Been a habitual drunkard?
Yes / No

Did you ever drink too much alcohol every day?

  1. Been a prostitute, or procured anyone for prostitution?
Yes / No

Did you ever have sex for money, pay for sex or help someone get sex for money?

  1. Sold or smuggled controlled substances, illegal drugs, or narcotics?
Yes / No

Did you ever sell or transport drugs, for example cocaine or marijuana?

  1. Been married to more than one person at the same time?
Yes / No

Did you ever have more than one wife or more than one husband at the same time?

  1. Married someone in order to obtain an immigration benefit?
Yes / No

Did you ever marry someone to get a green card or citizenship?

  1. Helped anyone to enter, or try to enter, the United States illegally?
Yes / No

Did you ever break the law to help someone come across the border into the U.S.?

  1. Gambled illegally or received income from illegal gambling?
Yes / No

Did you ever play games for money outside a legal casino or racetrack?

  1. Failed to support your dependents or to pay alimony?
Yes / No

Did you ever refuse to support or give money to your children or your divorced spouse?

  1. Made any misrepresentation to obtain any public benefit in the United States?
Yes / No

Did you ever lie to the government to get food stamps or other help?

31. Have you EVER given any U.S. Government officials any information or documentation that was false, fraudulent or misleading? Yes / No

Did you ever tell a U.S. Government official something that was not true?

You may be asked: “What is false?”
Example answer:

  • Not true
You may be asked: “What is fraudulent?”
Example answer:
  • Not true
You may be asked: “What is misleading?”
Example answer:
  • Not true
You may be asked: “What is a lie?”
Example answer:
  • Something that is not true
You may be asked: “What is a U.S. government official?”
Example answer:
  • Someone who works for the U.S. Government

32. Have you EVER lied to any U.S. Government officials to gain entry or admission into the United States or to gain immigration benefits while in the United States? Yes / No

Did you ever lie to the U.S. Government to come into the U.S. or to get immigration benefits? For example, using a fake name, submitting fake documents or saying that you were persecuted in your country if you were not.

You may be asked: “What does it mean to gain?”
Example answer:

  • To get
You may be asked: “What does it mean to gain entry or admission to the United States?”
Example answer:
  • To come into the United States
You may be asked: “What is gain immigration benefits?”
Example answer:
  • To get immigration benefits

33. Have you EVER been removed, excluded or deported from the United States? Yes / No

Were you ever forced to leave the United States or stopped from coming into the United States?

You may be asked: “What does it mean to leave the United States?”
Example answer:

  • To go away
You may be asked: “What does it mean to be removed from the United States?”
Example answer:
  • To be forced to leave the United States
You may be asked: “What does it mean to be deported from the United States?”
Example answer:
  • To be forced to go back to your country
You may be asked: “What does it mean to be excluded from the United States?”
Example answer:
  • To be stopped from coming into the United States

34. Have you EVER been ordered removed, excluded or deported from the United States? Yes / No

Did the Government ever tell you to leave the U.S., not come to the U.S. or go back to your country?

You may be asked: “What does it mean to be ordered removed?”
Example answer:

  • Told to go away
You may be asked: “What does it mean to be ordered excluded?”
Example answer:
  • Told not to come to a place
You may be asked: “What does it mean to be ordered deported?”
Example answer:
  • Told to go back to your country

35. Have you EVER been placed in removal, exclusion, rescission or deportation proceedings? Yes / No

Did the U.S. Government ever begin the process to make you leave the U.S., stop you from coming to the U.S., cancel your legal immigration status or make you go back to your country?

You may be asked: “What are removal proceedings?”
Example answer:

  • Legal process to make you leave the U.S.
You may be asked: “What are exclusion proceedings?”
Example answer:
  • Legal process to stop you from coming to the U.S.
You may be asked: “What are rescission proceedings?”
Example answer:
  • Legal process to cancel your immigration status (for example, your green card)
You may be asked: “What are deportation proceedings?”
Example answer:
  • Legal process to send you back to your country

36. Are removal, exclusion, rescission or deportation proceedings (including administratively closed proceedings) currently pending against you? Yes / No

Is the U.S. Government now trying to make you leave the U.S., stop you from coming to the U.S., cancel your legal immigration status or send you back to your country?

37. Have you EVER served in the U.S. armed forces? Yes / No

Did you ever work for the U.S. military?

38.A. Are you currently a member of the U.S. armed forces? Yes / No

Do you work for the U.S. military now?

B. If you answered “Yes,” are you scheduled to deploy overseas, including to a vessel, within the next three months? (Refer to the Address Change section in the Instructions on how to notify USCIS if you learn of your deployment plans after you file your Form N-400.)

Yes / No

If you answered “Yes” to question 38.A., is the military sending you outside the U.S. before three months from now?

C. If you answered “Yes,” are you currently stationed overseas?

Yes / No

If you answered “Yes” to question 38.A., are you outside the country now?

39. Have you EVER been court-martialed, administratively separated, or disciplined, or have you received an other than honorable discharge, while in the U.S. armed forces? Yes / No

Were you ever punished or fired from the U.S. military?

40. Have you EVER been discharged from training or service in the U.S. armed forces because you were an alien? Yes / No

Were you ever fired from the U.S. military because you were from another country?

41. Have you EVER left the United States to avoid being drafted in the U.S. armed forces? Yes / No

Did you ever go away from the United States because you didn’t want to work for the U.S. military?

42. Have you EVER applied for any kind of exemption from military service in the U.S. armed forces? Yes / No

Did you ever apply to be excused from working for the U.S. military?

43. Have you EVER deserted from the U.S. armed forces? Yes / No

Did you ever run away from your job in the U.S. military?

44.A. Are you a male who lived in the United States at any time between your 18th and 26th birthdays? (This does not include living in the United States as a lawful nonimmigrant.) Yes / No

Are you a man? Did you live in the U.S. when you were from 18 to 26 years old?

B. If you answered “Yes,” when did you register for the Selective Service? Provide information below.

Date Registered
Selective Service

Yes / No

If you answered “Yes” to question 44., when did you register for the Selective Service?

C. If you answered “Yes,” but you did not register with the Selective Service System and you are:

A. Still under 26 years of age, you must register before you apply for naturalization, and complete the Selective Service information above; OR

B. Now 26 to 31 years of age (29 years of age if you are filing under INA section 319(a)), but you did not register with the Selective Service, you must attach a statement explaining why you did not register, and provide a status information letter from the Selective Service.

Yes / No

If you answered “Yes” to question 44., but you did not register for the Selective Service and you are under 26 years old, you must register for the Selective Service.

If you answered “Yes” to question 44. and are 26 - 31 years old, write why you did not register on another sheet of paper and attach a letter from the Selective Service about your status.

Answer Item Numbers 45. - 50. If you answer “No” to any of these questions, include a typed or printed explanation on additional sheets of paper and provide any evidence to support your answers. 45. Do you support the Constitution and form of Government of the United States? Yes / No

Do you accept the Constitution and Government of the United States?

46. Do you understand the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States? Yes / No

Do you understand the promises you will make in the Oath of Allegiance?

You may be asked: “What is an oath?”
Example answer:

  • A promise
You may be asked: “What is an oath of allegiance?”
Example answer:
  • A promise to be loyal

47. Are you willing to take the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States? Yes / No

Will you say the Oath of Allegiance?

Will you promise to be loyal to the United States?

48. If the law requires it, are you willing to bear arms on behalf of the United States? Yes / No

If the Government needs your help, will you use weapons to fight in the U.S. military?

You may be asked: “What does it mean to bear arms?”
Example answer:

  • To use weapons
You may be asked: “What does it mean to be required by law?”
Example answer:
  • The Government says you must do it.

49. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform noncombatant services in the U.S. armed forces? Yes / No

If the Government needs your help, will you help the U.S. military?

You may be asked: “What is noncombatant work?”
Example answer:

  • Work that isn’t fighting
You may be asked: “What does it mean to perform noncombatant work?”
Example answer:
  • To work for the military but you don’t fight

50. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform work of national importance under civilian direction? Yes / No

If the government needs your help, will you do important work for the United States?

You may be asked: “What does it mean to be under civilian direction?”
Example answer:

  • Directed by the police or government, NOT by the military

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.